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Please warmly welcome with me our judges for the 2017 Jessup German National Rounds. I am delighted that all of you followed the invitation. Thank you for your support!

Professor Andreas von Arnauld

Professor Thomas Burri

Dr Christian von Buttlar, LL.M.

Professor Hans-Georg Dederer

Ms Anne Dienelt

Dr Johannes Dilling, LL.M.

Judge Tim Eicke

Mr Johannes Fuchs

Dr Christian B. Fulda

Ms Annelie Gallon

Professor Rainer Grote, LL.M. (Edinburgh)

Professor Matthew Happold, LL.M.

Dr Hartmut Henninger

Professor Christoph Herrmann, LL.M.

Dr Juliane Hilf

Professor Moritz Jesse, LL.M.

Professor Claus Köhler, LL.M.

Judge Professor Abdul Koroma

Mr Michael Molitoris

Professor Stefan Oeter

Professor Andreas L. Paulus

Professor Mehrdad Payandeh, LL.M. (Yale)

Dr Agnese Pizzolla

Professor Alexander Proelß

Mr Robin Ramsahye

Professor Thilo Rensmann, LL.M.

Ms Isabella Risini, LL.M. (Chicago-Kent)

Dr Philipp Rüppell

Professor Werner Schroeder

Dr Jan Erik Spangenberg, LL.B.

Professor Stefan Talmon, LL.M. M.A.

Professor Dres h.c. Christian Tomuschat

Professor Francisco Pascual Vives

Mr Ingo Klaus Wamser

Dr Dr Patricia Wiater

Dr Stephan Wilske, Maître en Droit, Attorney-at-Law (New York)

Memorial Judges

Professor Jeffrey C. Brooks, J.D.

Mr Sebastian Wuschka, LL.M. (Geneva MIDS)

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